• The Loneliness One dare not sound —

    And would as soon surmise

    As in its Grave go plumbing

    To ascertain the size —

    The Loneliness whose worst alarm

    Is lest itself should see —

    And perish from before itself

    For just a scrutiny —

    The Horror not to be surveyed —

  • A pair of spectacles afar just stir —

    An almanac 's aware.

    Was it the mat winked,

    Or a nervous star ?

    The moon slides down the stair

    To see who 's there.

    There 's plunder, — where ?

    Tankard, or spoon,

    Earring, or stone,

    A watch, some ancient brooch


  • The lonesome for they know not What —

    The Eastern Exiles — be —

    Who strayed beyond the Amber line

    Some madder Holiday —

    And ever since — the purple Moat

    They strive to climb — in vain —

    As Birds — that tumble from the clouds

    Do fumble at the strain —

    The Blessed Ether...

  • The long sigh of the Frog

    Upon a Summer's Day

    Enacts intoxication

    Upon the Revery —

    But his receding Swell

    Substantiates a Peace

    That makes the Ear inordinate

    For corporal release —

  • The little notes shall go as fast as steam can take them.

    Our hearts already went. Would we could mail our faces for your dear encouragement.

          Remember The longest day that God appoints

          Will finish with the sun.

          Anguish can travel to it's stake,

          And then it must return.

  • The look of thee, what is it like

    Hast thou a hand or Foot

    Or Mansion of Identity

    And what is thy Pursuit?

    Thy fellows are they realms or Themes

    Hast thou Delight or Fear

    Or Longing — and is that for us

    Or values more severe?

    Let change transfuse all other Traits...

  • The Love a Life can show Below

    Is but a filament, I know,

    Of that diviner thing

    That faints upon the face of Noon —

    And smites the Tinder in the Sun —

    And hinders Gabriel's Wing —

    'Tis this — in Music — hints and sways —

    And far abroad on Summer days —

    Distils uncertain pain...

  • The Luxury to apprehend

    The Luxury 'twould be

    To look at Thee a single time

    An Epicure of Me

    In whatsoever Presence makes

    Till for a further Food

    I scarcely recollect to starve

    So first am I supplied —

    The Luxury to meditate

    The Luxury it was


  • The Malay — took the Pearl —

    Not — I — the Earl —

    I — feared the Sea — too much

    Unsanctified — to touch —

    Praying that I might be

    Worthy — the Destiny —

    The Swarthy fellow swam —

    And bore my Jewel — Home —

    Home to the Hut! What lot

    Had I — the Jewel — got...