• * * *

    The Sussex Men are Noted Fools

    And weak is their brain pan

    I wonder if H——the painter

    Is not a Sussex Man

  • We buried old Bob where the bloodwoods wave

    At the foot of the Eaglehawk;

    We fashioned a cross on the old man's grave

    For fear that his ghost might walk;

    We carved his name on a bloodwood tree

    With the date of his sad decease

    And in place of "Died from effects of spree"

    We wrote "May he rest...

  • Sweet hours have perished here,

    This is a timid room -

    Within it's precints hopes have played

    Now shadows in the tomb.

  • Sweet is the swamp with its secrets,

    Until we meet a snake;

    'Tis then we sigh for houses,

    And our departure take

    At that enthralling gallop

    That only childhood knows.

    A snake is summer's treason,

    And guile is where it goes.

  • Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie —

    Never deny Me — Never fly —

    Those same unvarying Eyes

    Turn on Me — when I fail — or feign,

    Or take the Royal names in vain —

    Their far — slow — Violet Gaze —

    My Strong Madonnas — Cherish still —

    The Wayward Nun — beneath the Hill —


  • Sweet Pirate of the heart,

    Not Pirate of the Sea,

    What wrecketh thee?

    Some spice's Mutiny —

    Some Attar's perfidy?

    Confide in me.

  • Sweet Skepticism of the Heart —

    That knows — and does not know —

    And tosses like a Fleet of Balm —

    Affronted by the snow —

    Invites and then retards the Truth

    Lest Certainty be sere

    Compared with the delicious throe

    Of transport thrilled with Fear —

  • Sweet — safe — Houses —

    Glad — gay — Houses —

    Sealed so stately tight —

    Lids of Steel — on Lids of Marble —

    Locking Bare feet out —

    Brooks of Plush — in Banks of Satin

    Not so softly fall

    As the laughter — and the whisper —

    From their People Pearl —

    No Bald...

  • Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered

    Every time — for Two —

    So that the Sum be never hindered

    Through Decay of You —

    Say if I erred? Accuse my Farthings —

    Blame the little Hand

    Happy it be for You — a Beggar's —

    Seeking More — to spend —

    Just to be Rich — to waste my...