• Soul, wilt thou toss again ?

    By just such a hazard

    Hundreds have lost, indeed,

    But tens have won an all.

    Angels' breathless ballot

    Lingers to record thee ;

    Imps in eager caucus

    Raffle for my soul.


  • Sacred song heals the sick spirit.

    The mysterious power of harmony

    Will expiate a heavy delusion

    And tame a revolting desire.

    The soul of a singer expressed with a concordance

    Is freed from all its woes,

    And the sacred poetry will give purity

    And peace to its companion.

  • Safe Despair it is that raves —

    Agony is frugal.

    Puts itself severe away

    For its own perusal.

    Garrisoned no Soul can be

    In the Front of Trouble —

    Love is one, not aggregate —

    Nor is Dying double —

  • Safe in their alabaster chambers,

    Untouched by morning and untouched by noon,

    Sleep the meek members of the resurrection,

    Rafter of satin, and roof of stone.

    Light laughs the breeze in her castle of sunshine ;

    Babbles the bee in a...

  • Said Death to Passion

    "Give of thine an Acre unto me."

    Said Passion, through contracting Breaths

    "A Thousand Times Thee Nay."

    Bore Death from Passion

    All His East

    He — sovereign as the Sun

    Resituated in the West

    And the Debate was done.

  • The Sail

    The lonely sail is showing white

    Among the haze of the blue sea!..

    What does it search in foreign part?

    What left it in the native land?..

    The waves are playing, wind is whistling,

    And bending mast is creaking loud,

    Alas, – it does not hunt for pleasure

  • Come, let's aboard, my jolly blades,

       That love a merry life;

    To lazy souls leave home-bred trades,

       To husbands home-bred strife;

    Through Europe we will gaily roam,

    And leave our wives and cares at home.

                                  With a Fa la, &c.

    If any...

  • What means this high and more than mortal strain?

    'Tis St. Cecilia and her wondrous lyre,

    And from its strings with soft, celestial fire


  • Well dost thou, Love, thy solemn Feast to hold

    In vestal February;

    Not rather choosing out some rosy day

    From the rich coronet of the coming May,

    When all things meet to marry!

       O, quick, praevernal Power

    That signall'st punctual through the sleepy mould

    The Snowdrop's time to flower,...

  • Now is the law of the Overland that all in the West obey --

    A man must cover with travelling sheep a six-mile stage a day;

    But this is the law which the drovers make, right easily understood,

    They travel their stage where the grass is bad, but they camp where the grass is good;

    They camp, and they ravage the squatter's grass...