• Removed from Accident of Loss

    By Accident of Gain

    Befalling not my simple Days —

    Myself had just to earn —

    Of Riches — as unconscious

    As is the Brown Malay

    Of Pearls in Eastern Waters,

    Marked His — What Holiday

    Would stir his slow conception —

    Had he the power to...

  • The hours slid fast, as hours will,

    Clutched tight by greedy hands ;

    So faces on two decks look back,

    Bound to opposing lands.

    And so, when all the time had failed,

    Without external sound,

    Each bound the other's crucifix,

    We gave no other bond.

    Sufficient troth that we...

  • Renunciation — is a piercing Virtue —

    The letting go

    A Presence — for an Expectation —

    Not now —

    The putting out of Eyes —

    Just Sunrise —

    Lest Day —

    Day's Great Progenitor —


    Renunciation — is the Choosing

    Against itself —

    Itself to...

  • Reportless Subjects, to the Quick

    Continual addressed —

    But foreign as the Dialect

    Of Danes, unto the rest.

    Reportless Measures, to the Ear

    Susceptive — stimulus —

    But like an Oriental Tale

    To others, fabulous —

  •         To what bright world afar didst thou belong,

                Thou whose pure soul seemed not of mortal birth?

            From what fair clime of flowers and love and song,

                Cam'st thou, a star beam to our shadowed earth?

            What hadst thou done, sweet spirit in that sphere,

  • Rest at Night

    The Sun from shining,

    Nature — and some Men —

    Rest at Noon — some Men —

    While Nature

    And the Sun — go on —

  • At last to be identified !

    At last, the lamps upon thy side,

    The rest of life to see !

    Past midnight, past the morning star !

    Past sunrise !  Ah !  what leagues there are

    Between our feet and day !

  • 'T was a long parting, but the time

    For interview had come ;

    Before the judgment-seat of God,

    The last and second time

    These fleshless lovers met,

    A heaven in a gaze,

    A heaven of heavens, the privilege


  • Hackney'd in business, wearied at the oar

    Which thousands, once fast chain'd to, quit no more,

    But which when life at ebb runs weak and low,

    All wish, or seem to wish they could forego,

    The statesman, lawyer, merchant, man of trade,

    Pants for the refuge of some rural shade,

    Where all his long anxieties...

  • Hail, happy shades! tho' clad with heavy snows,

    At sight of you with joy my bosom glows;

    Ye arching pines, that bow with every breeze,

    Ye poplars, elms, all hail my well-known trees!

    And now my peaceful mansion strikes my eye,

    And now the tinkling rivulet I spy;

    My little garden Flora hast...