• In the midnight of darkness and terror,

           When I would grope nearer to God,

    With my back to a record of error

           And the highway of sin I have trod,

    There come to me shapes I would banish—

           The shapes of the deeds I have done;

    And I pray and I plead till they vanish—


  • I must

    Speak of God in whom
    I trust.

    In him I have room
    To hope.

  • Destruction marks thee! o’er the blood-stain’d heath

    Is faintly borne the stifled wail of death;

    Millions to fight compell’d, to fight or die

    In mangled heaps on War's red altar lie.

    The sternly wise, the mildly good, have sped

    To the...

  • Poor little Heart!

    Did they forget thee?

    Then dinna care! Then dinna care!

    Proud little Heart!

    Did they forsake thee?

    Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire!

    Frail little Heart!

    I would not break thee —

    Could'st credit me? Could'st credit me?

    Gay little Heart...

  • Portraits are to daily faces

    As an Evening West,

    To a fine, pedantic sunshine —

    In a satin Vest!

  • Power is a familiar growth —

    Not foreign — not to be —

    Beside us like a bland Abyss

    In every company —

    Escape it — there is but a chance —

    When consciousness and clay

    Lean forward for a final glance —

    Disprove that and you may —

  • Praise it — 'tis dead —

    It cannot glow —

    Warm this inclement Ear

    With the encomium it earned

    Since it was gathered here —

    Invest this alabaster Zest

    In the Delights of Dust —

    Remitted — since it flitted it

    In recusance august.

  • Prayer is the little implement

    Through which Men reach

    Where Presence — is denied them.

    They fling their Speech

    By means of it — in God's Ear —

    If then He hear —

    This sums the Apparatus

    Comprised in Prayer —

  • Precious to Me — She still shall be —

    Though She forget the name I bear —

    The fashion of the Gown I wear —

    The very Color of My Hair —

    So like the Meadows — now —

    I dared to show a Tress of Theirs

    If haply — She might not despise

    A Buttercup's Array —

    I know the Whole...