• "To thy wife's eyes I'll bring their long-lost gleam,
    I'll bring back to thy child his strength and light,

    To him, life's fragile athlete I will seem
    Rare oil that firms his muscles for...

  • If thou wilt shut thy drowsy eyes,

       My mulberry one, my golden sun!

    The rose shall sing thee lullabies,

       My pretty cosset lambkin!

    And thou shalt swing in an almond-tree,

    With a flood of moonbeams rocking thee---

    A silver boat in a golden sea,

       My velvet love, my nestling dove,

  • I thought myself, indeed, secure,

       So fast the door, so firm the lock;

    But, lo! he toddling comes to lure

       My parent ear with timorous knock.

    My heart were stone could it withstand

       The sweetness of my baby's plea,

    That timorous, baby knocking and

       "Please let me in,---it's...

  • I say, as one who never feared

       The wrath of a subscriber's bullet,

    I pity him who has a beard

       But has no little girl to pull it!

    When wife and I have finished tea,

       Our baby woos me with her prattle,

    And, perching proudly on my knee,

       She gives my petted whiskers battle....

  • I count my treasures o'er with care,---

       The little toy my darling knew,

       A little sock of faded hue,

    A little lock of golden hair.

    Long years ago this holy time,

       My little one---my all to me---

       Sat robed in white upon my knee,

    And heard the merry Christmas chime.


    Stork, I am justly wroth,

       For thou hast wronged me sore;

    The ash roof-tree that shelters thee

       Shall shelter thee no more!


    Full fifty years I 've dwelt

       Upon this honest tree,

    And long ago (as people know!)

       I brought thy...

  • My harp is on the willow-tree,

    Else would I sing, O love, to thee

       A song of long-ago---

    Perchance the song that Miriam sung

    Ere yet Judea's heart was wrung

       By centuries of woe.

    I ate my crust in tears to-day,

    As scourged I went upon my way---

       And yet my darling...

  • On the white throat of the' useless passion

    That scorched my soul with its burning breath

    I clutched my fingers in murderous fashion,

    And gathered them close in a grip of death;

    For why should I fan, or feed with fuel,

    A love that showed me but blank despair?

    So my hold was firm, and my grasp was cruel—...

  • Good-bye—yes, I am going.

            Sudden? Well, you are right;

    But a startling truth came home to me

            With sudden force last night.

    What is it? Shall I tell you?

            Nay, that is why I go.

    I am running away from the battlefield

            Turning my back on the foe.


  • Though critics may bow to art, and I am its own true lover,

    It is not art, but heart, which wins the wide world over.

    Though smooth be the heartless prayer, no ear in Heaven will mind it,

    And the finest phrase falls dead if there is no feeling behind it.

    Though perfect the player's touch, little, if any, he sways us...