• Pigmy seraphs — gone astray —

    Velvet people from Vevay —

    Balles from some lost summer day —

    Bees exclusive Coterie —

    Paris could not lay the fold

    Belted down with Emerald —

    Venice could not show a check

    Of a tint so lustrous meek —

    Never such an Ambuscade

    As of briar...

  • In the wild north a pine tree stands alone

          On the bare top of a mountain.

    It slumbers and sways, covered with

          Powdery snow like a mantle.

    5 And it dreams constantly: that in faraway wilds

          In the land...

  • Pink — small — and punctual —

    Aromatic — low —

    Covert — in April —

    Candid — in May —

    Dear to the Moss —

    Known to the Knoll —

    Next to the Robin

    In every human Soul —

    Bold little Beauty

    Bedecked with thee

    Nature forswears

    Antiquity —

  • A Pitiful Case[4]


    A Pitiful Case t

    The Villain at the Gallows tree

    When he is doomd to die

    To assuage his misery

    In Virtues praise does cry

  • God permits industrious angels

    Afternoons to play.

    I met one, — forgot my school-mates,

    All, for him, straightway.

    God calls home the angels promptly

    At the setting sun ;

    I missed mine.  How dreary marbles,


  • Cromwell is dead, and risen; and dead again,

    And risen the third time after he was slain

    No wonder! For he’s messenger of Hell:

    And now he buffets us, now posts to tell

    What’s past; and for one more game new counsel takes

    Of his good friend the Devil, who keeps the stakes.

  • O Robert, Let us be fond

    Of Virtue! Virtues abound

    In every sort of good.

    Let virtue be our soul’s food!

  •         On the swift flying hours

                Another bright day,

            With its tears and its smiles,

                Has vanished away.

            Thou who dost number

                Our days as they flee,

            May each that departs

                Bear us nearer to thee!
