• Peace is a fiction of our Faith —

    The Bells a Winter Night

    Bearing the Neighbor out of Sound

    That never did alight.

  • Perception of an object costs

    Precise the Object's loss —

    Perception in itself a Gain

    Replying to its Price —

    The Object Absolute — is nought —

    Perception sets it fair

    And then upbraids a Perfectness

    That situates so far —

  • Perhaps I asked too large —

    I take — no less than skies —

    For Earths, grow thick as

    Berries, in my native town —

    My Basket holds — just — Firmaments —

    Those — dangle easy — on my arm,

    But smaller bundles — Cram.

  • Perhaps they do not go so far

    As we who stay, suppose —

    Perhaps come closer, for the lapse

    Of their corporeal clothes —

    It may be know so certainly

    How short we have to fear

    That comprehension antedates

    And estimates us there —

  • Perhaps you think me stooping

    I'm not ashamed of that

    Christ — stooped until He touched the Grave —

    Do those at Sacrament

    Commemorative Dishonor

    Or love annealed of love

    Until it bend as low as Death

    Redignified, above?

  • Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower ?

    But I could never sell.

    If you would like to borrow

    Until the daffodil

    Unties her yellow bonnet

    Beneath the village door,

    Until the bees, from clover rows

    Their hock and...

  • Peril as a Possesssion

    'Tis Good to hear

    Danger disintegrates Satiety

    There's Basis there —

    Begets an awe

    That searches Human Nature's creases

    As clean as Fire.

  • An ancient Burrough in the West[1]

    Was lately put unto the test,

    Their loyalty and zeal to prove,

    If King and Country they did love.

    For you must know, within the town,[2]

  • * * *

    A Petty sneaking Knave I knew

    O Mr Cr—— how do ye do

  • I strolled last eve across the lonely down;

              One solitary picture struck my eye:

              A distant ploughboy stood against the sky—

    How far he seemed above the noisy town!

    Upon the bosom of a cloud the sod

              Laid its bruised cheek as he moved slowly by,

              And, watching...