•    DIXIT; et avertens roseâ cervice refulsit,

    Ambrosiaeque comae divinum vertice odorem

    Spiravere: pedes vestis defluxit ad imos,

    Et vera incessu patuit Dea. —

       SHE said; and turning, shew'd her wrinkled neck,

    In scales and colour like a roach's back.

    Forth from her greasy locks such odours...

  •    DAME Chastity, without dispute,

    Dwelt on the earth with good King Brute; [1]

    When a cold hut of modern Greenland

    Had been a palace for a...

  • Partake as doth the Bee,


    The Rose is an Estate —

    In Sicily.

  • Parting with Thee reluctantly,

    That we have never met,

    A Heart sometimes a Foreigner,

    Remembers it forgot —

  • Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light,

    Pangless except for us —

    Who slowly for the Mystery

    Which thou hast leaped across!




    Eliza, rise, the orient glows with day,

    Already Phosphor darts his amber ray;

    The fainting planets vanish from the skies,

    Distinct already all the prospects rise;

    Begin our walk, but cheer the lonely way

    With music,...

  • Patience — has a quiet Outer —

    Patience — Look within —

    Is an Insect's futile forces

    Infinites — between —

    'Scaping one — against the other

    Fruitlesser to fling —

    Patience — is the Smile's exertion

    Through the quivering —

  •         Greece! hear that joyful sound,

            A stranger's voice upon thy sacred hill;

            Whose tones shall bid the slumbering nations round,

                         Wake with convulsive thrill.

            Athenians! gather there; he brings you words

            Brighter than all your boasted lore affords.

  • All hail vernal Phoebus! all hail ye soft breezes!
    Announcing the visit of spring;

    How green are the meadows! the air how it pleases!
    How gleefully all the birds sing!...