
  • Pain has but one Acquaintance

    And that is Death —

    Each one unto the other

    Society enough.

    Pain is the Junior Party

    By just a Second's right —

    Death tenderly assists Him

    And then absconds from Sight.

  • Pain — expands the Time —

    Ages coil within

    The minute Circumference

    Of a single Brain —

    Pain contracts — the Time —

    Occupied with Shot

    Gamuts of Eternities

    Are as they were not —

  • Pain — has an Element of Blank —

    It cannot recollect

    When it begun — or if there were

    A time when it was not —

    It has no Future — but itself —

    Its Infinite realms contain

    Its Past — enlightened to perceive

    New Periods — of Pain.

  • There's nothing here sublime,

    But just a roving rhyme,

    Run off to pass the time,

    With nought titanic in.

    The theme that it supports,

    And, though it treats of quarts,

    It's bare of golden thoughts --

    It's just a pannikin.

    I think it's rather hard

    That each...

  • Papa above!

    Regard a Mouse

    O'erpowered by the Cat!

    Reserve within thy kingdom

    A "Mansion" for the Rat!

    Snug in seraphic Cupboards

    To nibble all the day

    While unsuspecting Cycles

    Wheel solemnly away!

  • Paradise is of the option.

    Whosoever will

    Own in Eden notwithstanding

    Adam and Repeal.

  • Paradise is that old mansion

    Many owned before —

    Occupied by each an instant

    Then reversed the Door —

    Bliss is frugal of her Leases

    Adam taught her Thrift

    Bankrupt once through his excesses —

  • No lover saith, I love, nor any other
    Can judge a perfect lover;

    He thinks that else none can or will agree,
    That any loves but he;

    I cannot say I loved, for who can say