• Impossibility, like Wine

    Exhilarates the Man

    Who tastes it; Possibility

    Is flavorless — Combine

    A Chance's faintest Tincture

    And in the former Dram

    Enchantment makes ingredient

    As certainly as Doom —

  • * * *

    In a wife I would desire

    What in whores is always found

    The lineaments of Gratified desire[3]

  • So you're back from up the country, Mister Townsman, where you went,

    And you're cursing all the business in a bitter discontent;

    Well, we grieve to disappoint you, and it makes us sad to hear

    That it wasn't cool and shady — and there wasn't plenty beer,

    And the loony bullock snorted when you first came into view;


  • In Ebon Box, when years have flown

    To reverently peer,

    Wiping away the velvet dust

    Summers have sprinkled there!

    To hold a letter to the light —

    Grown Tawny now, with time —

    To con the faded syllables

    That quickened us like Wine!

    Perhaps a Flower's shrivelled check...

  • In falling Timbers buried —

    There breathed a Man —

    Outside — the spades — were plying —

    The Lungs — within —

    Could He — know — they sought Him —

    Could They — know — He breathed —

    Horrid Sand Partition —

    Neither — could be heard —

    Never slacked the Diggers —

  • In lands I never saw — they say

    Immortal Alps look down —

    Whose Bonnets touch the firmament —

    Whose Sandals touch the town —

    Meek at whose everlasting feet

    A Myriad Daisy play —

    Which, Sir, are you and which am I

    Upon an August day?

  • In many and reportless places

    We feel a Joy —

    Reportless, also, but sincere as Nature

    Or Deity —

    It comes, without a consternation —

    Dissolves — the same —

    But leaves a sumptuous Destitution —

    Without a Name —

    Profane it by a search — we cannot

    It has no...

  • Farewell dear babe, my heart's too much content,

    Farewell sweet babe, the pleasure of mine eye,

    Farewell fair flower that for a space was lent,

    Then ta'en away unto eternity.

    Blest babe why should I once bewail thy fate,

    Or sigh the days so soon were terminate;

    Sith thou art settled in an everlasting...

  • In rags mysterious as these

    The shining Courtiers go —

    Veiling the purple, and the plumes —

    Veiling the ermine so.

    Smiling, as they request an alms —

    At some imposing door!

    Smiling when we walk barefoot

    Upon their golden floor!

  • We see it each day in the paper,

    And know that there's mischief in store;

    That some unprofessional caper

    Has landed a shark on the shore.

    We know there'll be plenty of trouble

    Before they get through with the fun,

    Because he's been coming the double

    On clients, has "Gentleman, One".