Sweet Skepticism of the Heart —

That knows — and does not know —

And tosses like a Fleet of Balm —

Affronted by the snow —

Invites and then retards the Truth

Lest Certainty be sere

Compared with the...


Sweet, to have had them lost

For news that they be saved —

The nearer they departed Us

The nearer they, restored,

Shall stand to Our Right Hand —

Most precious and the Dead —

Next precious


That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet,

And said that I was strong —

And could be mighty, if I liked —

That Day — the Days among —

Glows Central — like a Jewel

Between Diverging Golds —

The Minor...


They won't frown always — some sweet Day

When I forget to tease —

They'll recollect how cold I looked

And how I just said "Please."

Then They will hasten to the Door

To call the little Girl



Touch lightly Nature's sweet Guitar

Unless thou know'st the Tune

Or every Bird will point at thee

Because a Bard too soon —


We Cover Thee — Sweet Face —

Not that We tire of Thee —

But that Thyself fatigue of Us —

Remember — as Thou go —

We follow Thee until

Thou notice Us — no more —

And then — reluctant — turn away
