• That after Horror — that 'twas us —

    That passed the mouldering Pier —

    Just as the Granite Crumb let go —

    Our Savior, by a Hair —

    A second more, had dropped too deep

    For Fisherman to plumb —

    The very profile of the Thought

    Puts Recollection numb —

    The possibility — to...

  • That Distance was between Us

    That is not of Mile or Main —

    The Will it is that situates —

    Equator — never can —

  • That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet,

    And said that I was strong —

    And could be mighty, if I liked —

    That Day — the Days among —

    Glows Central — like a Jewel

    Between Diverging Golds —

    The Minor One — that gleamed behind —

    And Vaster — of the World's.

  • That I did always love

    I bring thee Proof

    That till I loved

    I never lived — Enough —

    That I shall love alway —

    I argue thee

    That love is life —

    And life hath Immortality —

    This — dost thou doubt — Sweet —

    Then have I

    Nothing to show


  • That is solemn we have ended

    Be it but a Play

    Or a Glee among the Garret

    Or a Holiday

    Or a leaving Home, or later,

    Parting with a World

    We have understood for better

    Still to be explained.

  • That it will never come again

    Is what makes life so sweet.

    Believing what we don't believe

    Does not exhilarate.

    That if it be, it be at best

    An ablative estate —

    This instigates an appetite

    Precisely opposite.

  • That Love is all there is,

    Is all we know of Love;

    It is enough, the freight should be

    Proportioned to the groove.

  • That odd old man is dead a year —

    We miss his stated Hat.

    'Twas such an evening bright and stiff

    His faded lamp went out.

    Who miss his antiquated Wick —

    Are any hoar for him?

    Waits any indurated mate

    His wrinkled coming Home?

    Oh Life, begun in fluent Blood


  • That sacred Closet when you sweep —

    Entitled "Memory" —

    Select a reverential Broom —

    And do it silently.

    'Twill be a Labor of surprise —

    Besides Identity

    Of other Interlocutors

    A probability —

    August the Dust of that Domain —

    Unchallenged — let it lie —...

  • That she forgot me was the least

    I felt it second pain

    That I was worthy to forget

    Was most I thought upon.

    Faithful was all that I could boast

    But Constancy became

    To her, by her innominate,

    A something like a shame.