• I learned — at least — what Home could be —

    How ignorant I had been

    Of pretty ways of Covenant —

    How awkward at the Hymn

    Round our new Fireside — but for this —

    This pattern — of the Way —

    Whose Memory drowns me, like the Dip

    Of a Celestial Sea —

    What Mornings in our...

  • I like a look of Agony,

    Because I know it's true —

    Men do not sham Convulsion,

    Nor simulate, a Throe —

    The Eyes glaze once — and that is Death —

    Impossible to feign

    The Beads upon the Forehead

    By homely Anguish strung.

  • I like to see it lap the Miles —

    And lick the Valleys up —

    And stop to feed itself at Tanks —

    And then — prodigious step

    Around a Pile of Mountains —

    And supercilious peer

    In Shanties — by the sides of Roads —

    And then a Quarry pare

    To fit its Ribs


  • I live with Him — I see His face —

    I go no more away

    For Visitor — or Sundown —

    Death's single privacy

    The Only One — forestalling Mine —

    And that — by Right that He

    Presents a Claim invisible —

    No wedlock — granted Me —

    I live with Him — I hear His Voice —

  • I lived on Dread —

    To Those who know

    The Stimulus there is

    In Danger — Other impetus

    Is numb — and Vitalless —

    As 'twere a Spur — upon the Soul —

    A Fear will urge it where

    To go without the Sceptre's aid

    Were Challenging Despair.

  • I lost a World — the other day!

    Has Anybody found?

    You'll know it by the Row of Stars

    Around its forehead bound.

    A Rich man — might not notice it —

    Yet — to my frugal Eye,

    Of more Esteem than Ducats —

    Oh find it — Sir — for me!

  • I loved you; even now I may confess,

    Some embers of my love their fire retain;

    But do not let it cause you more distress,

    I do not want to sadden you again.

    Hopeless and tongue-tied, yet I loved you dearly

    With pangs the jealous and the timid know;

    So tenderly I loved you, so sincerely,


  • I made slow Riches but my Gain

    Was steady as the Sun

    And every Night, it numbered more

    Than the preceding One

    All Days, I did not earn the same

    But my perceiveless Gain

    Inferred the less by Growing than

    The Sum that it had grown.

  • I make His Crescent fill or lack —

    His Nature is at Full

    Or Quarter — as I signify —

    His Tides — do I control —

    He holds superior in the Sky

    Or gropes, at my Command

    Behind inferior Clouds — or round

    A Mist's slow Colonnade —

    But since We hold a Mutual Disc —

  • I many times thought Peace had come

    When Peace was far away —

    As Wrecked Men — deem they sight the Land —

    At Centre of the Sea —

    And struggle slacker — but to prove

    As hopelessly as I —

    How many the fictitious Shores —

    Before the Harbor be —