• I keep my pledge.

    I was not called —

    Death did not notice me.

    I bring my Rose.

    I plight again,

    By every sainted Bee —

    By Daisy called from hillside —

    by Bobolink from lane.

    Blossom and I —

    Her oath, and mine —

    Will surely come again.

  • I knew that I had gained

    And yet I knew not how

    By Diminution it was not

    But Discipline unto

    A Rigor unrelieved

    Except by the Content

    Another bear its Duplicate

    In other Continent.

  • I know a place where Summer strives

    With such a practised Frost —

    She — each year — leads her Daisies back —

    Recording briefly — "Lost" —

    But when the South Wind stirs the Pools

    And struggles in the lanes —

    Her Heart misgives Her, for Her Vow —

    And she pours soft Refrains


  • I know lives, I could miss

    Without a Misery —

    Others — whose instant's wanting —

    Would be Eternity —

    The last — a scanty Number —

    'Twould scarcely fill a Two —

    The first — a Gnat's Horizon

    Could easily outgrow —

  • I know of people in the Grave

    Who would be very glad

    To know the news I know tonight

    If they the chance had had.

    'Tis this expands the least event

    And swells the scantest deed —

    My right to walk upon the Earth

    If they this moment had.

  • I know some lonely Houses off the Road

    A Robber'd like the look of —

    Wooden barred,

    And Windows hanging low,

    Inviting to —

    A Portico,

    Where two could creep —

    One — hand the Tools —

    The other peep —

    To make sure All's Asleep —

    Old fashioned eyes —

  • I know Suspense — it steps so terse

    And turns so weak away —

    Besides — Suspense is neighborly

    When I am riding by —

    Is always at the Window

    Though lately I descry

    And mention to my Horses

    The need is not of me —

  • I know that He exists.

    Somewhere — in Silence —

    He has hid his rare life

    From our gross eyes.

    'Tis an instant's play.

    'Tis a fond Ambush —

    Just to make Bliss

    Earn her own surprise!

    But — should the play

    Prove piercing earnest —

    Should the glee...

  • I know where Wells grow — Droughtless Wells —

    Deep dug — for Summer days —

    Where Mosses go no more away —

    And Pebble — safely plays —

    It's made of Fathoms — and a Belt —

    A Belt of jagged Stone —

    Inlaid with Emerald — half way down —

    And Diamonds — jumbled on —

    It has...

  • (The original text)

    * * *

    I laid me down upon a bank

    Where love lay sleeping

    I heard among the rushes dank

    Weeping Weeping

    5Then I went to the heath & the wild
