    * * *

    The Cripple every Step Drudges & labours

    And says come learn to walk of me Good Neighbours

    Sir Joshua in astonishment cries out

    See what Great Labour Pain him & Modest Doubt
    5 Newton &...

  • Crisis is a Hair

    Toward which the forces creep

    Past which forces retrograde

    If it come in sleep

    To suspend the Breath

    Is the most we can

    Ignorant is it Life or Death

    Nicely balancing.

    Let an instant push

    Or an Atom press

    Or a Circle hesitate...

  • Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart

    Upon the hither side

    Has Dowers of Prospective

    To Denizens denied

    Inquire of the closing Rose

    Which rapture she preferred

    And she will point you sighing

    To her rescinded Bud.

    Cromek Speaks

    I always take my judgment from a Fool

    Because his judgment is so very Cool

    Not prejudicd by feelings great or small

    Amiable state he cannot feel at all

  • Crumbling is not an instant's Act

    A fundamental pause

    Dilapidation's processes

    Are organized Decays.

    'Tis first a Cobweb on the Soul

    A Cuticle of Dust

    A Borer in the Axis

    An Elemental Rust —

    Ruin is formal — Devil's work

    Consecutive and slow —


  • * * *

    Cr—— loves artists as he loves his Meat

    He loves the Art but tis the Art to Cheat

    * * *

    The Cunning sures & the Aim at yours

  • WHOEVER guesses, thinks, or dreams, he knows

    Who is my mistress, wither by this curse;
    Him, only for his purse
    May some dull whore to love dispose,

    And then yield unto all that are his foes;