• Could I but ride indefinite

    As doth the Meadow Bee

    And visit only where I liked

    And No one visit me

    And flirt all Day with Buttercups

    And marry whom I may

    And dwell a little everywhere

    Or better, run away

    With no Police to follow

    Or chase Him if He do...

  • Could I — then — shut the door —

    Lest my beseeching face — at last —

    Rejected — be — of Her?

  • Could live — did live —

    Could die — did die —

    Could smile upon the whole

    Through faith in one he met not,

    To introduce his soul.

    Could go from scene familiar

    To an untraversed spot —

    Could contemplate the journey

    With unpuzzled heart —

    Such trust had one...

  • Could mortal lip divine

    The undeveloped Freight

    Of a delivered syllable

    'Twould crumble with the weight.

  • Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell

    Be once disclosed to us

    The clamor for their loveliness

    Would burst the Loneliness —

  • Could — I do more — for Thee —

    Wert Thou a Bumble Bee —

    Since for the Queen, have I —

    Nought but Bouquet?

  • Count not that far that can be had,

    Though sunset lie between —

    Nor that adjacent, that beside,

    Is further than the sun.


    The sun had rais'd above the mead,

    His glorious horizontal head;

    Sad Philomela left her thorn;

    The lively linnets hymn'd the morn,
    5And nature, like a waking bride,


  • I

    On the Coast of Coromandel

    Where the early pumpkins blow,

    In the middle of the woods

      Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò.

    Two old chairs, and half a candle,--

    One old jug without a handle,--

        These were all his worldly goods:

        In the middle of the woods,


  • A Cradle Song

    Sleep, Sleep, beauty bright,

    Dreaming o'er the joys of night;

    Sleep, Sleep; in thy sleep

    Little sorrows sit & weep.

    Sweet Babe, in thy face

    Soft desires I can trace,

    Secret joys and secret smiles,

    Little pretty infant wiles.
