
      I covet not wealth, and I care not for fame,

       But if my own lot I might choose,

    A quiet retreat in some lone wood I'd claim,

       Where the pure earth drinks Heaven's pure dews.

    At the north a dark mountain should solemnly rise,

       With its old trees by lightnings riven,

    And its...

  •             Eighteen hundred years agone

            Was that deed of darkness done --

            Was that sacred, thorn-crowned head

            To a shameful death betrayed,

            And Iscariot's traitor name

            Blazoned in eternal shame.

            Thou, disciple of our time,

            Follower of...

  • Christian Forbearance

    I was angry with my friend:

    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

    I was angry with my foe:

    I told it not, my wrath did grow.

    And I water'd it in fears

    Night & morning with my tears;

    And I sunned it with smiles,

    And with soft deceitful...

  • Prayer may be sweet in cottage homes,

       Where sire and child devoutly kneel,

    While through the open casement nigh

       The vernal blossoms firagrant steal.

    Prayer may be sweet in stately halls.

       Where heart with kindred heart is blent,

    And upward to th' eternal throne

      The hymn...

  • The dark night is ending and dawn has begun;

    Rise, hope of the ages, arise like the sun,

        All speech flow to music, all hearts beat as one!


    Blow, bugles of battle, the marches of peace;

    East, west, north, and south let the long quarrel...

  • What can I give Him,

         Poor as I am?

    If I were a shepherd

         I would bring a lamb;

    If I were a wise man,

         I would do my part,—

    Yet what I can I give Him,

         Give my heart.

  • Oh, hush thee, little Dear-my-Soul,

       The evening shades are falling,---

    Hush thee, my dear, dost thou not hear

       The voice of the Master calling?

    Deep lies the snow upon the earth,

       But all the sky is ringing

    With joyous song, and all night long

       The stars shall dance, with...

  • Circumference thou Bride of Awe

    Possessing thou shalt be

    Possessed by every hallowed Knight

    That dares to covet thee



    I LOVE my friend — but love my ease,

    And claim a right myself to please;

    To company however prone,

    At times all men wou'd be alone.
    5 Free from each interruption rude,...

  • The stranger came from Narromine and made his little joke--

    "They say we folks in Narromine are narrow-minded folk.

    But all the smartest men down here are puzzled to define

    A kind of new phenomenon that came to Narromine.

    "Last summer up in Narromine 'twas gettin' rather warm--

    Two hundred in the water bag,...