• A Burdock — clawed my Gown —

    Not Burdock's — blame —

    But mine —

    Who went too near

    The Burdock's Den —

    A Bog — affronts my shoe —

    What else have Bogs — to do —

    The only Trade they know —

    The splashing Men!

    Ah, pity — then!

    'Tis Minnows can...

  •    AS, bowed by sudden storms, the rose

          Sinks on the garden's breast,

       Down to the grave our brother goes,

          In silence there to rest.

       No more with us his tuneful voice

          The hymn of praise shall swell;

       No more his cheerful heart rejoice

          When peals the...

  • On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few,

    And men of religion are scanty,

    On a road never cross'd 'cept by folk that are lost,

    One Michael Magee had a shanty.

    Now this Mike was the dad of a ten-year-old lad,

    Plump, healthy, and stoutly conditioned;

    He was strong as the best, but poor Mike had...

  • The run is England's Empire great,

    The fire is the distress

    That burns the stock they represent --

    Prosperity you'll guess.

    And the blue gum bough is the Home Rule Bill

    That's making such a mess.

    And Ireland green, of course I mean

    By Paddymelon Flat;

    All men can see the...

  • I'm travelling down the Castlereagh, and I'm a station-hand,

    I'm handy with the ropin' pole, I'm handy with the brand,

    And I can ride a rowdy colt, or swing the axe all day,

    But there's no demand for a station-hand along the Castlereagh.

    So it's shift, boys, shift, for there isn't the slightest doubt

    That we'...

  • But little Carmine hath her face —

    Of Emerald scant — her Gown —

    Her Beauty — is the love she doth —

    Itself — exhibit — Mine —

  • Buttercup, Poppy, Forget-me-not---

    These three bloomed in a garden spot;

    And once, all merry with song and play,

    A little one heard three voices say:

       "Shine and shadow, summer and spring,

          O thou child with the tangled hair

       And laughing eyes! we three shall bring

          Each an...

  • A BUTTERFLY bask'd on a baby's grave,

        Where a lily had chanced to grow:

    "Why art thou here, with thy gaudy die,

    When she of the blue and sparkling eye,

        Must sleep in the church-yard low?"

    Then it lightly soar'd through the sunny air,

        And spoke from its shining track: