• There came a stranger to Walgett town,

    To Walgett town when the sun was low,

    And he carried a thirst that was worth a crown,

    Yet how to quench it he did not know;

    But he thought he might take those yokels down,

    The guileless yokels of Walgett town.

    They made him a bet in a private bar,


  • Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles —

    Buccaneers of Buzz.

    Ride abroad in ostentation

    And subsist on Fuzz.

    Fuzz ordained — not Fuzz contingent —

    Marrows of the Hill.

    Jugs — a Universe's fracture

    Could not jar or spill.

  • Before He comes we weigh the Time!

    'Tis Heavy and 'tis Light.

    When He depart, an Emptiness

    Is the prevailing Freight.

  • Before I got my eye put out

    I liked as well to see —

    As other Creatures, that have Eyes

    And know no other way —

    But were it told to me — Today —

    That I might have the sky

    For mine — I tell you that my Heart

    Would split, for size of me —

    The Meadows — mine —

  • Before the ice is in the pools —

    Before the skaters go,

    Or any check at nightfall

    Is tarnished by the snow —

    Before the fields have finished,

    Before the Christmas tree,

    Wonder upon wonder

    Will arrive to me!

    What we touch the hems of

    On a summer's day —...

  • Before you thought of Spring

    Except as a Surmise

    You see — God bless his suddenness —

    A Fellow in the Skies

    Of independent Hues

    A little weather worn

    Inspiriting habiliments

    Of Indigo and Brown —

    With specimens of Song

    As if for you to choose —


  • Behind Me — dips Eternity —

    Before Me — Immortality —

    Myself — the Term between —

    Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray,

    Dissolving into Dawn away,

    Before the West begin —

    'Tis Kingdoms — afterward — they say —

    In perfect — pauseless Monarchy —

    Whose Prince — is Son of None —...

  • The actor struts his little hour,

    Between the limelight and the band;

    The public feel the actor's power,

    Yet nothing do they understand

    Of all the touches here and there

    That make or mar the actor's part,

    They never see, beneath the glare,

    The artist striving after art.


  • Behold this little Bane —

    The Boon of all alive —

    As common as it is unknown

    The name of it is Love —

    To lack of it is Woe —

    To own of it is Wound —

    Not elsewhere — if in Paradise

    Its Tantamount be found —

  • I saw a Moslem work upon his shroud alone,

    With earnest care, even as the silk-worms weave their own.

    In his illness it always near his bedside lay,

    And he wrote Koran-verses on it night and day.

    When with that sacred script it was filled from side to side,

    He wrapt it round his body, and in calmness...