• Beauty — be not caused — It Is —

    Chase it, and it ceases —

    Chase it not, and it abides —

    Overtake the Creases

    In the Meadow — when the Wind

    Runs his fingers thro' it —

    Deity will see to it

    That You never do it —

  • Because 'twas Riches I could own,

    Myself had earned it — Me,

    I knew the Dollars by their names —

    It feels like Poverty

    An Earldom out of sight to hold,

    An Income in the Air,

    Possession — has a sweeter chink

    Unto a Miser's Ear —

  • Because He loves Her

    We will pry and see if she is fair

    What difference is on her Face

    From Features others wear.

    It will not harm her magic pace

    That we so far behind —

    Her Distances propitiate

    As Forests touch the Wind

    Not hoping for his notice vast


  • Because I could not stop for Death—

    He kindly stopped for me—

    The Carriage held but just Ourselves—

    And Immortality.

    We slowly drove—He knew no haste,

    And I had put away

    My labor and my leisure too,

    For His Civility—

    We passed the School, where Children strove

  • Because my Brook is fluent

    I know 'tis dry —

    Because my Brook is silent

    It is the Sea —

    And startled at its rising

    I try to flee

    To where the Strong assure me

    Is "no more Sea" —

  • Because that you are going

    And never coming back

    And I, however absolute,

    May overlook your Track —

    Because that Death is final,

    However first it be,

    This instant be suspended

    Above Mortality —

    Significance that each has lived

    The other to detect

  • Because the Bee may blameless hum

    For Thee a Bee do I become

    List even unto Me.

    Because the Flowers unafraid

    May lift a look on thine, a Maid

    Alway a Flower would be.

    Nor Robins, Robins need not hide

    When Thou upon their Crypts intrude

    So Wings bestow on Me

  • The sky is low, the clouds are mean,

    A travelling flake of snow

    Across a barn or through a rut

    Debates if it will go.

    A narrow wind complains all day

    How some one treated him ;

    Nature, like us, is sometimes caught...

  • A Bee his burnished Carriage

    Drove boldly to a Rose —

    Combinedly alighting —

    Himself — his Carriage was —

    The Rose received his visit

    With frank tranquillity

    Withholding not a Crescent

    To his Cupidity —

    Their Moment consummated —

    Remained for him — to flee —

  • Bee! I'm expecting you!

    Was saying Yesterday

    To Somebody you know

    That you were due —

    The Frogs got Home last Week —

    Are settled, and at work —

    Birds, mostly back —

    The Clover warm and thick —

    You'll get my Letter by

    The seventeenth; Reply
