• It's like the Light —

    A fashionless Delight —

    It's like the Bee —

    A dateless — Melody —

    It's like the Woods —

    Private — Like the Breeze —

    Phraseless — yet it stirs

    The proudest Trees —

    It's like the Morning —

    Best — when it's done —

    And the...

  • It's such a little thing to weep —

    So short a thing to sigh —

    And yet — by Trades — the size of these

    We men and women die!

  • It's thoughts — and just One Heart —

    And Old Sunshine — about —

    Make frugal — Ones — Content —

    And two or three — for Company —

    Upon a Holiday —

    Crowded — as Sacrament —

    Books — when the Unit —

    Spare the Tenant — long eno' —

    A Picture — if it Care —

    Itself — a...

  • Its Hour with itself

    The Spirit never shows.

    What Terror would enthrall the Street

    Could Countenance disclose

    The Subterranean Freight

    The Cellars of the Soul —

    Thank God the loudest Place he made

    Is license to be still.

  • Its little Ether Hood

    Doth sit upon its Head —

    The millinery supple

    Of the sagacious God —

    Till when it slip away

    A nothing at a time —

    And Dandelion's Drama

    Expires in a stem.

  • WHILE hisses, groans, cat-calls thro' the pit,

    Deplore the hapless poet's want of wit:
    J—n W—ts, from silence bursing in a rage,

    Cried, 'Men are mad who write in such an age.'

    'Not so,' replied his friend, a sneering blade,

    'The poet's only dull, the printer's mad.'

  • "And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
    He chortled in his joy.

    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy...

  • Jesus! thy Crucifix

    Enable thee to guess

    The smaller size!

    Jesus! thy second face

    Mind thee in Paradise

    Of ours!

  • Born of a thoroughbred English race,

    Well proportioned and closely knit,

    Neat, slim figure and handsome face,

    Always ready and always fit,

    Hardy and wiry of limb and thew,

    That was the ne'er-do-well Jim Carew.

    One of the sons of the good old land --

    Many a year since his like was known...

  •                               This was he

    Whose shaft of wit had touch'd the epic strain

    With poignant power. The Father of the Harp

    In his own native vales. He seems to muse

    As if those loved retreats did spread themselves

    Again before his eye. The sighing wind

    Through the long branches of those ancient...