If yon bright stars which gem the night
  Be each a blissful dwelling-sphere
Where kindred spirits reunite
  Whom death hath torn asunder here,—
How sweet it were at once to die,
  To leave this blighted orb afar!
Mixt soul and soul to cleave the...

  ’MID white Sierras, that slope to the sea,
Lie turbulent lands. Go dwell in the skies,
And the thundering tongues of Yosemitè
Shall persuade you to silence, and you shall be wise.

  I but sing for the love of song and the few
Who loved me first and...

Cocoon above! Cocoon below!

Stealthy Cocoon, why hide you so

What all the world suspect?

An hour, and gay on every tree

Your secret, perched in ecstasy

Defies imprisonment!

An hour in Chrysalis to...


How the Waters closed above Him

We shall never know —

How He stretched His Anguish to us

That — is covered too —

Spreads the Pond Her Base of Lilies

Bold above the Boy

Whose unclaimed Hat and Jacket...


Papa above!

Regard a Mouse

O'erpowered by the Cat!

Reserve within thy kingdom

A "Mansion" for the Rat!

Snug in seraphic Cupboards

To nibble all the day

While unsuspecting Cycles


These held their Wick above the West —

Till when the Red declined —

Or how the Amber aided it —

Defied to be defined —

Then waned without disparagement

In a dissembling Hue

That would not let the Eye...
