
I never lost as much but twice,

And that was in the sod.

Twice have I stood a beggar

Before the door of God!

Angels — twice descending

Reimbursed my store —

Burglar! Banker...


I never saw a Moor--

I never saw the Sea--

Yet know I how the Heather looks

And what a Billow be.

I never spoke with God,

Nor visited in Heaven--

Yet certain am I of the spot

As if the...


I never told the buried gold

Upon the hill — that lies —

I saw the sun — his plunder done

Crouch low to guard his prize.

He stood as near

As stood you here —

A pace had been between —



I showed her Heights she never saw —

"Would'st Climb," I said?

She said — "Not so" —

"With me —" I said — With me?

I showed her Secrets — Morning's Nest —

The Rope the Nights were put across —

And now — "...


I thought the Train would never come —

How slow the whistle sang —

I don't believe a peevish Bird

So whimpered for the Spring —

I taught my Heart a hundred times

Precisely what to say —

Provoking Lover,...


In lands I never saw — they say

Immortal Alps look down —

Whose Bonnets touch the firmament —

Whose Sandals touch the town —

Meek at whose everlasting feet

A Myriad Daisy play —

Which, Sir, are you...


It would never be Common — more — I said —

Difference — had begun —

Many a bitterness — had been —

But that old sort — was done —

Or — if it sometime — showed — as 'twill —

Upon the Downiest — Morn —


I never lost as much but twice,

And that was in the sod ;

Twice have I stood a beggar

Before the door of God !

Angels, twice descending,


I TASTE a liquor never brewed,

From tankards scooped in pearl;

Not all the vats upon the Rhine
