• I hoped that he would love me,
    And he has kissed my mouth,
    But I am like a stricken bird
    That cannot reach the south.

    For though I know he loves me,
    To-night my heart is sad;
    His kiss was not so wonderful
    As all the dreams I had.

  • Brown-thrush singing all day long
    In the leaves above me,
    Take my love this April song,
    "Love me, love me, love me!"

    When he harkens what you say,
    Bid him, lest he miss me,
    Leave his work or leave his play,
    And kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!

  • I am free of love as a bird flying south in the autumn,
    Swift and intent, asking no joy from another,
    Glad to forget all of the passion of April
    Ere it was love-free.

    I am free of love, and I listen to music lightly,
    But if he returned, if he should look at me deeply,
    I should awake, I should awake and remember
    I am my lover’s.

  • Love, if I weep it will not matter,
    And if you laugh I shall not care;
    Foolish am I to think about it,
    But it is good to feel you there.
    Love, in my sleep I dreamed of waking, --
    White and awful the moonlight reached
    Over the floor, and somewhere, somewhere,
    There was a shutter loose, -- it screeched!
    Swung in the wind, -- and no wind blowing! --...

  • You will come one day in a waver of love,
    Tender as dew, impetuous as rain,
    The tan of the sun will be on your skin,
    The purr of the breeze in your murmuring speech,
    You will pose with a hill-flower grace.

    You will come, with your slim, expressive arms,
    A poise of the head no sculptor has caught
    And nuances spoken with shoulder and neck,
    Your face in...

  • O, hurry, where by water, among the trees,
    The delicate-stepping stag and his lady sigh,
    When they have looked upon their images
    Would none had ever loved but you and I!

    Or have you heard that sliding silver-shoed
    Pale silver-proud queen-woman of the sky,
    When the sun looked out of his golden hood?
    O, that none ever loved but you and I!


  • When I go away from you
    The world beats dead
    Like a slackened drum.
    I call out for you against the jutted stars
    And shout into the ridges of the wind.
    Streets coming fast,
    One after the other,
    Wedge you away from me,
    And the lamps of the city prick my eyes
    So that I can no longer see your face.
    Why should I leave you,
    To wound myself upon...

  • Ebb

    I know what my heart is like
    Since your love died:
    It is like a hollow ledge
    Holding a little pool
    Left there by the tide,
    A little tepid pool,
    Drying inward from the edge.

  • Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate,
    Where that comes in that shall not go again;
    Love sells the proud heart’s citadel to Fate.
    They have known shame, who love unloved. Even then,
    When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking,
    And agony’s forgot, and hushed the crying
    Of credulous hearts, in heaven—such are but taking
    Their own poor dreams...

  • When love has changed to kindliness—
    Oh, love, our hungry lips, that press
    So tight that Time’s an old gold’s dream
    Nodding in heaven, and whisper stuff
    Seven million years were not enough
    To think on after, make it seem
    Less than the breath of children playing,
    A blasphemy scarce worth the saying,
    A sorry jest, “When love has grown
    To kindliness—to...