• It lies around us like a cloud,
      The world we do not see;
    Yet the sweet closing of an eye
      May bring us there to be.

    Its gentle breezes fan our cheeks
      Amid our worldly cares;
    Its gentle voices whisper love,
      And mingle with our prayers.

    Sweet hearts around us throb and beat,
      Sweet helping hands are stirred,...

  • Children, do you ever,
      In walks by land or sea,
    Meet a little maiden
      Long time lost to me!

    She is gay and gladsome,
      Has a laughing face,
    And a heart as sunny;
      And her name is Grace.

    Naught she knows of sorrow,
      Naught of doubt or blight;
    Heaven is just above her—
      All her thoughts are white....

  • Sweet little maid with winsome eyes
      That laugh all day through the tangled hair;
    Gazing with baby looks so wise
      Over the arm of the oaken chair,
        Dearer than you is none to me,
          Dearer than you there can be none;
        Since in your laughing face I see
          Eyes that tell of another one.

    Here where the firelight...

  • It lies around us like a cloud,—
      A world we do not see;
    Yet the sweet closing of an eye
      May bring us there to be.

    Its gentle breezes fan our cheek;
      Amid our worldly cares
    Its gentle voices whisper love,
      And mingle with our prayers.

    Sweet hearts around us throb and beat,
      Sweet helping hands are stirred,...

  • If I might see another Spring

       I'd not plant summer flowers and wait:

    I'd have my crocuses at once,

    My leafless pink mezereons,

       My chill-veined snowdrops, choicer yet

       My white or azure violet,

    Leaf-nested primrose; anything

       To blow at once not late.

    If I might see...

  • I plucked pink blossoms from mine apple-tree

       And wore them all that evening in my hair:

    Then in due season when I went to see

          I found no apples there.

    With dangling basket all along the grass

       As I had come I went the selfsame track:

    My neighbours mocked me while they saw me pass

  • I have no wit, no words, no tears;

       My heart within me like a stone

    Is numbed too much for hopes or fears;

       Look right, look left, I dwell alone;

    I lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief

       No everlasting hills I see;

    My life is in the falling leaf:

          O Jesus, quicken me.


  • I will accept thy will to do and be,

       Thy hatred and intolerance of sin,

       Thy will at least to love, that burns within

          And thirsteth after Me:

    So will I render fruitful, blessing still,

       The germs and small beginnings in thy heart,

       Because thy will cleaves to the better part.—

  • There's blood between us, love, my love,

    There's father's blood, there's brother's blood;

    And blood's a bar I cannot pass:

    I choose the stairs that mount above,

    Stair after golden skyward stair,

    To city and to sea of glass.

    My lily feet are soiled with mud,

    With scarlet mud which tells a tale...

  • Deprived of other Banquet,

    I entertained Myself —

    At first — a scant nutrition —

    An insufficient Loaf —

    But grown by slender addings

    To so esteemed a size

    'Tis sumptuous enough for me —

    And almost to suffice

    A Robin's famine able —

    Red Pilgrim, He and I —...