• I wrote some lines once on a time
        In wondrous merry mood,
    And thought, as usual, men would say
        They were exceeding good.

    They were so queer, so very queer,
        I laughed as I would die;
    Albeit, in the general way,
        A sober man am I.

    I called my servant, and he came;
        How kind it was of him
    To mind...

  • Her spirit rose to such a height

    Her countenance it did inflate

    Like one that fed on awe.

    More prudent to assault the dawn

    Than merit the ethereal scorn

    That effervesced from her.

  • Their Height in Heaven comforts not —

    Their Glory — nought to me —

    'Twas best imperfect — as it was —

    I'm finite — I can't see —

    The House of Supposition —

    The Glimmering Frontier that

    Skirts the Acres of Perhaps —

    To Me — shows insecure —

    The Wealth I had — contented...

  • Were it but Me that gained the Height —

    Were it but They, that failed!

    How many things the Dying play

    Might they but live, they would!