From “Philip Van Artevelde”
THE HEART of man, walk in which way it will,
Sequestered or frequented, smooth or rough,
Down the deep valleys amongst tinkling flocks,
Or mid the clang of trumpets and the march
Of clattering ordnance, still must have its halt,...

From “Anima Mundi”
                            GOD is good,
And flight is destined for the callow wing,
And the high appetite implies the food,
And souls most reach the level whence they spring;
O Life of very life! set free our powers,
Hasten the...

It was upon an April morn,
  While yet the frost lay hoar,
We heard Lord James’s bugle-horn
  Sound by the rocky shore.

Then down we went, a hundred knights,
  All in our dark array,
And flung our armor in the ships
  That rode within the...