• The Sea was bright, and the bark rode well;
    The breeze bore the tone of the vesper bell;
    ’T was a gallant bark with a crew as brave
    As ever launched on the heaving wave.
    She shone in the light of declining day,
    And each sail was set, and each heart was gay.

    They neared the land where in beauty smiles
    The sunny shore of the Grecian Isles...

  • Day dawned;—within a curtained room,
    Filled to faintness with perfume,
    A lady lay at point of doom.

    Day closed;—a Child had seen the light:
    But, for the lady fair and bright,
    She rested in undreaming night.

    Spring rose;—the lady’s grave was green;
    And near it, oftentimes, was seen
    A gentle Boy with thoughtful mien.
