• Though, when other maids stand by,
    I may deign thee no reply,
    Turn not then away, and sigh,—
        Smile, and never heed me!
    If our love, indeed, be such
    As must thrill at every touch,
    Why should others learn as much?—
        Smile, and never heed me!

    Even if, with maiden pride,
    I should bid thee quit my side,

  • I Never gave a lock of hair away
    To a man, Dearest, except this to thee,
    Which now upon my fingers thoughtfully
    I ring out to the full brown length and say
    “Take it.” My day of youth went yesterday;
    My hair no longer bounds to my foot’s glee.
    Nor plant I it from rose or myrtle tree,
    As girls do, any more. It only may
    Now shade on...

  • NEVER 1 despair! Let the feeble in spirit
      Bow like the willow that stoops to the blast.
    Droop not in peril! ’T is manhood’s true merit
      Nobly to struggle and hope to the last.
    When by the sunshine of fortune forsaken
      Faint sinks the heart of the feeble with fear,
    Stand like the oak of the forest—unshaken,
      Never despair—Boys—oh!...

  • O Winter! wilt thou never, never go?
    O summer! but I weary for thy coming,
    Longing once more to hear the Luggie flow,
    And frugal bees, laboriously humming.
    Now the east-wind diseases the infirm,
    And they must crouch in corners from rough weather;
    Sometimes a winter sunset is a charm,—
    When the fired clouds, compacted, blaze together,...

  • THE sparkling eye that ruled the heart

          Hath lost its magic beam,

    And in the socket, heavily,

          Like warning lamp doth gleam.

    The wearied ear remits its toil,

          Rejects the music-strain,

    And with the folly of the world

          No longer loads the brain.


    * * *

    Delicate Hands & Heads will never appear

    While Titians &c as in the Book of Moonlight p 5

  • Facts by our side are never sudden

    Until they look around

    And then they scare us like a spectre

    Protruding from the Ground —

    The height of our portentous Neighbor

    We never know —

    Till summoned to his recognition

    By an Adieu —

    Adieu for whence

    The sage...

  • Fame's Boys and Girls, who never die

    And are too seldom born —

  • I never hear that one is dead

    Without the chance of Life

    Afresh annihilating me

    That mightiest Belief,

    Too mighty for the Daily mind

    That tilling its abyss,

    Had Madness, had it once or twice

    The yawning Consciousness,

    Beliefs are Bandaged, like the Tongue


  • I never hear the word "escape"

    Without a quicker blood,

    A sudden expectation

    A flying attitude!

    I never hear of prisons broad

    By soldiers battered down,

    But I tug childish at my bars

    Only to fail again!