Whoe’er she be,
That not impossible She
That shall command my heart and me:

Where’er she lie,
Locked up from mortal eye
In shady leaves of destiny:

Till that ripe birth
Of studied Fate stand forth,
And teach her fair steps tread...

During His Solitary Abode in the Island of Juan Fernandez

I AM monarch of all I survey,—
  My right there is none to dispute;
From the centre all round to the sea,
  I am lord of the fowl and the brute.
O Solitude! where are the charms
  That sages...

Death warrants are supposed to be

An enginery of equity

A merciful mistake

A pencil in an Idol's Hand

A Devotee has oft consigned

To Crucifix or Block


Thou magic lyre, whose fascinating sound

   Seduc'd the savage monsters from their cave,

Drew rocks and trees, and forms uncouth around,

   And bade wild Hebrus hush his list'ning wave;

No more thy undulating warblings flow...


Sleep is supposed to be,

By souls of sanity,

The shutting of the eye.

Sleep is the station grand

Down which on either hand



 * * *

There was an Old Man who supposed,

That the street door was partially closed;

       But some very large rats,

       Ate his coats and his hats,

While that futile old gentleman dozed....


I am monarch of all I survey,

    My right there is none to dispute;

From the center all round to the sea

    I am lord of the fowl and the brute.

O solitude! where are the charms

    That sages have seen in thy...
