• The Truth — is stirless —

    Other force — may be presumed to move —

    This — then — is best for confidence —

    When oldest Cedars swerve —

    And Oaks untwist their fists —

    And Mountains — feeble — lean —

    How excellent a Body, that

    Stands without a Bone —

    How vigorous a Force...

  • The vastest earthly Day

    Is shrunken small

    By one Defaulting Face

    Behind a Pall —

  • The Veins of other Flowers

    The Scarlet Flowers are

    Till Nature leisure has for Terms

    As "Branch," and "Jugular."

    We pass, and she abides.

    We conjugate Her Skill

    While She creates and federates

    Without a syllable.

  • The Voice that stands for Floods to me

    Is sterile borne to some —

    The Face that makes the Morning mean

    Glows impotent on them —

    What difference in Substance lies

    That what is Sum to me

    By other Financiers be deemed

    Exclusive Property!

  •  * * *

    The was a Young Lady of Bute,

    Who played on a silver-gilt flute;

      She played several jigs,

      To her uncle's white pigs,

    That amusing Young Lady of Bute.

    Pub. 1846


  • The waters chased him as he fled,

    Not daring look behind —

    A billow whispered in his Ear,

    "Come home with me, my friend —

    My parlor is of shriven glass,

    My pantry has a fish

    For every palate in the Year" —

    To this revolting bliss

    The object floating at his side

    Made no...

  • The way Hope builds his House

    It is not with a sill —

    Nor Rafter — has that Edifice

    But only Pinnacle —

    Abode in as supreme

    This superficies

    As if it were of Ledges smit

    Or mortised with the Laws —

  • The Way I read a Letter's — this —

    'Tis first — I lock the Door —

    And push it with my fingers — next —

    For transport it be sure —

    And then I go the furthest off

    To counteract a knock —

    Then draw my little Letter forth

    And slowly pick the lock —

    Then — glancing narrow,...

  • The Way to know the Bobolink

    From every other Bird

    Precisely as the Joy of him —

    Obliged to be inferred.

    Of impudent Habiliment

    Attired to defy,

    Impertinence subordinate

    At times to Majesty.

    Of Sentiments seditious

    Amenable to Law —

    As Heresies...

  • The Well upon the Brook

    Were foolish to depend —

    Let Brooks — renew of Brooks —

    But Wells — of failless Ground!