• The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,

    The maddest noise that grows, —

    The birds, they make it in the spring,

    At night's delicious close.

    Between the March and April line —

    That magical frontier

    Beyond which summer hesitates,

    Almost too heavenly near.

    It makes us think...

  • The Savior must have been

    A docile Gentleman —

    To come so far so cold a Day

    For little Fellowmen —

    The Road to Bethlehem

    Since He and I were Boys

    Was leveled, but for that 'twould be

    A rugged billion Miles —

  • This is the land the sunset washes,

    These are the banks of the Yellow Sea ;

    Where it rose, or whither it rushes,

    These are the western mystery !

    Night after night her purple traffic

    Strews the landing with opal bales ;


  • The Sea said "Come" to the Brook —

    The Brook said "Let me grow" —

    The Sea said "Then you will be a Sea —

    I want a Brook — Come now"!

    The Sea said "Go" to the Sea.

    The Sea said "I am he

    You cherished" — "Learned Waters —

    Wisdom is stale to Me" —

  • Some things that fly there be, —

    Birds, hours, the bumble-bee :

    Of these no elegy.

    Some things that stay there be, —

    Grief, hills, eternity :

    Nor this behooveth me.

    There are, that resting, rise.



    A Sensitive Plant in a garden grew,

    And the young winds fed it with silver dew,

    And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light,

    And closed them beneath the kisses of night.

    And the Spring arose on the garden fair,

    Like the Spirit of Love felt every where;

    And each...

  • The Service without Hope —

    Is tenderest, I think —

    Because 'tis unsustained

    By stint — Rewarded Work —

    Has impetus of Gain —

    And impetus of Goal —

    There is no Diligence like that

    That knows not an Until —

  • The Show is not the Show

    But they that go —

    Menagerie to me

    My Neighbor be —

    Fair Play —

    Both went to see —

  • The Skies can't keep their secret!

    They tell it to the Hills —

    The Hills just tell the Orchards —

    And they — the Daffodils!

    A Bird — by chance — that goes that way —

    Soft overhears the whole —

    If I should bribe the little Bird —

    Who knows but she would tell?

    I think I...

  • The Sky is low — the Clouds are mean.

    A Travelling Flake of Snow

    Across a Barn or through a Rut

    Debates if it will go —

    A Narrow Wind complains all Day

    How some one treated him

    Nature, like Us is sometimes caught

    Without her Diadem.