•        I strive in vain those features to restore

                To Memory's faded tablets, which on me,

                From the mute ivory, beam so lovingly,

            And to recall their living light once more.

                In vain I strive to pierce that veil of years,

                And turn away all blinded with my tears....

  •         Fresh, through the mist of ages past,

                Thou risest on our view,

            As when from Judah's waving fields,

                Thy footsteps brushed the dew.


            Yet 'tis not for thy beauty's sake

                We thus remember thee;

            Although a chieftain's captive...

  • ”On a whithered branch

    A crow is sitting

    This autumn eve.”

  • On F—— & S——

    I found them blind I taught them how to see

    And now they know neither themselves nor me

    Tis Excellent to turn a thorn to a pin

    A Fool to a bolt a knave to a glass of gin

  • Ah! wherefore should my weeping maid suppress

       Those gentle signs of undissembled woe?

    When from soft love proceeds the deep distress,

       Ah! why forbid the willing tears to flow?

    Since for my sake each dear translucent drop

       Breaks forth, best witness of thy truth sincere,

    My lips should drink...

  • * * *

    I write the Rascal Thanks till he & I

    With Thanks & Compliments are quite drawn dry

  • On H——ys Friendship

    When H——y finds out what you cannot do

    That is the Very thing hell set you to

    If you break not your Neck tis not his fault

    But pecks of poison are not pecks of salt[3]

  • The roving breezes come and go

    On Kiley's Run,

    The sleepy river murmurs low,

    Adnd far away one dimly sees

    Beyond the stretch of forest trees —

    Beyond the foothills dusk and dun —

    The ranges steeping in the sun

    On Kiley's Run.

    'Tis many years since first I came


  • I.
    LET all be husht, each softer Motion cease,

    Be ev'ry loud tumultuous Thought at Peace,

    And ev'ry ruder Gasp of Breath

    Be calm, as in the Arms of Death.

    And thou most fickle, most uneasie Part,

    Thou restless Wanderer, my Heart,

    Be still; gently, ah gently, leave,...