• Of Paradise' existence

    All we know

    Is the uncertain certainty —

    But its vicinity infer,

    By its Bisecting

    Messenger —

  • Of Paul and Silas it is said

    There were in Prison laid

    But when they went to take them out

    They were not there instead.

    Security the same insures

    To our assaulted Minds —

    The staple must be optional

    That an Immortal binds.

  • Of Silken Speech and Specious Shoe

    A Traitor is the Bee

    His service to the newest Grace

    Present continually

    His Suit a chance

    His Troth a Term

    Protracted as the Breeze

    Continual Ban propoundeth He

    Continual Divorce.

  • Of so divine a Loss

    We enter but the Gain,

    Indemnity for Loneliness

    That such a Bliss has been.

  • Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door

    Shall the Playfellow Heart complain

    Though the Ring is unwhole, and the Company broke

    Can never be fitted again?

  • Of their peculiar light

    I keep one ray

    To clarify the Sight

    To seek them by —

  • Of this is Day composed

    A morning and a noon

    A Revelry unspeakable

    And then a gay unknown

    Whose Pomps allure and spurn

    And dower and deprive

    And penury for Glory

    Remedilessly leave.

  • Of Tolling Bell I ask the cause?

    "A Soul has gone to Heaven"

    I'm answered in a lonesome tone —

    Is Heaven then a Prison?

    That Bells should ring till all should know

    A Soul had gone to Heaven

    Would seem to me the more the way

    A Good News should be given.

  • Of Tribulation, these are They,

    Denoted by the White —

    The Spangled Gowns, a lesser Rank

    Of Victors — designate —

    All these — did conquer —

    But the ones who overcame most times —

    Wear nothing commoner than Snow —

    No Ornament, but Palms —

    Surrender — is a sort unknown...

  •    'TIS strange, while all to greatness homage pay,

    So few should know the goddess they obey.

    That men should think a thousand things the same,

    And give contending images one name.

    Not Greece, in all her temples' wide abodes,

    Held a more wild democracy of Gods

    Than various deities we serve,...