• Lest this be Heaven indeed

    An Obstacle is given

    That always gauges a Degree

    Between Ourself and Heaven.

  • Let down the Bars, Oh Death —

    The tired Flocks come in

    Whose bleating ceases to repeat

    Whose wandering is done —

    Thine is the stillest night

    Thine the securest Fold

    Too near Thou art for seeking Thee

    Too tender, to be told.

  • Let me not mar that perfect Dream

    By an Auroral stain

    But so adjust my daily Night

    That it will come again.

    Not when we know, the Power accosts —

    The Garment of Surprise

    Was all our timid Mother wore

    At Home — in Paradise.

  • Let me not thirst with this Hock at my Lip,

    Nor beg, with Domains in my Pocket -

  • Let my first Knowing be of thee

    With morning's warming Light —

    And my first Fearing, lest Unknowns

    Engulf thee in the night —

  •          *

    Let the Brothels of Paris be opened

    With many an alluring dance

    To awake the Physicians thro the city

    Said the beautiful Queen of France

    Then old Nobodaddy aloft

    Farted & belchd & coughd

    And said I love hanging & drawing & quartering

  • Let Us play Yesterday —

    I — the Girl at school —

    You — and Eternity — the

    Untold Tale —

    Easing my famine

    At my Lexicon —

    Logarithm — had I — for Drink —

    'Twas a dry Wine —

    Somewhat different — must be —

    Dreams tint the Sleep —

    Cunning Reds of...





    I took a poor fly from a vase of ink,

    Upon my feathery quill-top, which I turn'd

    For his relief,—as erst old Egypt's scribes

    Revers'd their stylus, for the benefit...

  •           A nation's birthday breaks in glory;

                 Songs from her hills and valleys rise,

              And myriad hearts thrill to the story

                 Of Freedom's wars and victories.

              When God's right arm alone was o'er her,

                 And in his name the patriot band,


  • IN a chariot of light from the regions of day,

    The Goddess of Liberty came;

    Ten thousand celestials directed the way,

    And hither conducted the dame.

    A fair budding branch from the gardens above,

    Where millions with millions agree,

    She brought in her hand as a pledge of her love,

    And the...