•            O sweet, sad autumn of the waning year,

                 Though in thy bowers the roses all lie dead,

                 And from thy woods the song of birds has fled,

               And winter, stern and cold, is hovering near;

               Yet from thy presence breathes a holy calm.

                 The fervid heats, the...

  • I CAN love both fair and brown;

    Her whom abundance melts, and her whom want betrays;

    Her who loves loneness best, and her who masks and plays;

    Her whom the country form'd, and whom the town;

    Her who believes, and her who tries;

    Her who still weeps with spongy eyes,

    And her who is dry cork, and never...


    My mother groand! my father wept.

    Into the dangerous world I leapt:

    Helpless, naked, piping loud;

    Like a fiend hid in a cloud.

    5 Struggling in my fathers bands:

    Striving against my...

  • Is Bliss then, such Abyss,

    I must not put my foot amiss

    For fear I spoil my shoe?

    I'd rather suit my foot

    Than save my Boot —

    For yet to buy another Pair

    Is possible,

    At any store —

    But Bliss, is sold just once.

    The Patent lost

    None buy it any...

  • Is Heaven a Physician?

    They say that He can heal —

    But Medicine Posthumous

    Is unavailable —

    Is Heaven an Exchequer?

    They speak of what we owe —

    But that negotiation

    I'm not a Party to —

  • Is Immortality a bane

    That men are so oppressed?

  • Is it dead — Find it —

    Out of sound — Out of sight —

    "Happy"? Which is wiser —

    You, or the Wind?

    "Conscious"? Won't you ask that —

    Of the low Ground?

    "Homesick"? Many met it —

    Even through them — This

    Cannot testify —

    Themself — as dumb —

  • Is it too late to touch you, Dear?

    We this moment knew —

    Love Marine and Love terrene —

    Love celestial too —