• I watched the Moon around the House

    Until upon a Pane —

    She stopped — a Traveller's privilege — for Rest —

    And there upon

    I gazed — as at a stranger —

    The Lady in the Town

    Doth think no incivility

    To lift her Glass — upon —

    But never Stranger justified


  • I watched her face to see which way

    She took the awful news —

    Whether she died before she heard

    Or in protracted bruise

    Remained a few slow years with us —

    Each heavier than the last —

    A further afternoon to fail,

    As Flower at fall of Frost.

  • I went to Heaven —

    'Twas a small Town —

    Lit — with a Ruby —

    Lathed — with Down —

    Stiller — than the fields

    At the full Dew —

    Beautiful — as Pictures —

    No Man drew.

    People — like the Moth —

    Of Mechlin — frames —

    Duties — of Gossamer —


  • I went to thank her,

    But she slept ;

    Her bed a funnelled stone,

    With nosegays at the head and foot,

    That travellers had thrown,

    Who went to thank her ;

    But she slept.

    'T was short to cross the sea

  • [ plate m ]

    I will tell you what Joseph of Arimathea

    Said to my Fairy was not it very queer

    Pliny & Trajan what are You here

    Come listen to Joseph of Arimathea
    5 Listen patient & when Joseph...

  • I worked for chaff and earning Wheat

    Was haughty and betrayed.

    What right had Fields to arbitrate

    In matters ratified?

    I tasted Wheat and hated Chaff

    And thanked the ample friend —

    Wisdom is more becoming viewed

    At distance than at hand.

  • I would distil a cup,

    And bear to all my friends,

    Drinking to her no more astir,

    By beck, or burn, or moor!

  • I would not paint — a picture —

    I'd rather be the One

    Its bright impossibility

    To dwell — delicious — on —

    And wonder how the fingers feel

    Whose rare — celestial — stir —

    Evokes so sweet a Torment —

    Such sumptuous — Despair —

    I would not talk, like Cornets —


  • I Years had been from Home

    And now before the Door

    I dared not enter, lest a Face

    I never saw before

    Stare solid into mine

    And ask my Business there —

    "My Business but a Life I left

    Was such remaining there?"

    I leaned upon the Awe —

    I lingered with Before...