    Je n’ai jamais rien lu de Wordsworth, le poète
    Dont parle lord Byron d’un ton si plein de fiel,
    Qu’un seul vers ; le voici, car je l’ai dans la tête :
    Clochers silencieux montrant du doigt le ciel.

    Il servait d’épigraphe, et c’était bien étrange,
    Au chapitre premier d’un roman : — Louisa, —
    Les douleurs d’une fille, œuvre toute de...

  • By B. R. Haydon
    WORDSWORTH upon Helvellyn! Let the cloud
    Ebb audibly along the mountain-wind,
    Then break against the rock, and show behind
    The lowland valleys floating up to crowd
    The sense with beauty. He, with forehead bowed
    And humble-lidded eyes, as one inclined
    Before the sovran thought of his own mind,
    And very meek with...

  • Poet who sleepest by this wandering wave!
      When thou wast born, what birth-gift hadst thou then?
    To thee what wealth was that the Immortals gave,
      The wealth thou gavest in thy turn to men?

    Not Milton’s keen, translunar music thine;
      Not Shakespeare’s cloudless, boundless human view;
    Not Shelley’s flush of rose on peaks divine;