• Oh! where do fairies hide their heads,
      When snow lies on the hills,
    When frost has spoiled their mossy beds,
      And crystallized their rills?
    Beneath the moon they cannot trip
      In circles o’er the plain;
    And draughts of dew they cannot sip,
      Till green leaves come again.

    Perhaps, in small, blue diving-bells

  • Where lies the land to which the ship would go?
    Far, far ahead, is all her seamen know.
    And where the land she travels from? Away,
    Far, far behind, is all that they can say.

    On sunny noons upon the deck’s smooth face,
    Linked arm in arm, how pleasant here to pace!
    Or o’er the stern reclining, watch below
    The foaming wake far widening as...

  • How little recks it where men lie,
      When once the moment’s past
    In which the dim and glazing eye
      Has looked on earth its last,—
    Whether beneath the sculptured urn
      The coffined form shall rest,
    Or in its nakedness return
      Back to its mother’s breast!

    Death is a common friend or foe,
      As different men may hold,...