• “speak! speak! thou fearful guest!
    Who, with thy hollow breast
    Still in rude armor drest,
      Comest to daunt me!
    Wrapt not in Eastern balms,
    But with thy fleshless palms
    Stretched, as if asking alms,
      Why dost thou haunt me?”

    Then from those cavernous eyes
    Pale flashes seemed to rise,
    As when the Northern skies...

  • From “Modern Love”
    AT dinner she is hostess, I am host.
    Went the feast ever cheerfuller? She keeps
    The topic over intellectual deeps
    In buoyancy afloat. They see no ghost.
    With sparkling surface-eyes we ply the ball:
    It is in truth a most contagious game;
    HIDING THE SKELETON shall be its name.
    Such play as this the devils might...

  • “SPEAK! 1 speak! thou fearful guest!
    Who, with thy hollow breast
    Still in rude armor drest,
      Comest to daunt me!
    Wrapt not in Eastern balms,
    But with thy fleshless palms
    Stretched, as if asking alms,
      Why dost thou haunt me?”

    Then from those cavernous eyes
    Pale flashes seemed to rise,
    As when the Northern skies...