•  “One name is Elizabeth.”
    —BEN JONSON.    

    I WILL paint her as I see her.
      Ten times have the lilies blown
      Since she looked upon the sun.

    And her face is lily-clear,
      Lily-shaped, and dropped in duty
      To the law of its own beauty.

    Oval cheeks encolored faintly,
      Which a trail of golden hair
      Keeps from...

  • By B. R. Haydon
    WORDSWORTH upon Helvellyn! Let the cloud
    Ebb audibly along the mountain-wind,
    Then break against the rock, and show behind
    The lowland valleys floating up to crowd
    The sense with beauty. He, with forehead bowed
    And humble-lidded eyes, as one inclined
    Before the sovran thought of his own mind,
    And very meek with...

  • A Pensive photograph
      Watches me from the shelf—
    Ghost of old love, and half
      Ghost of myself!

    How the dear waiting eyes
      Watch me and love me yet—
    Sad home of memories,
      Her waiting eyes!

    Ghost of old love, wronged ghost,
      Return: though all the pain
    Of all once loved, long lost,
      Come back again...