• Within this lowly grave a Conqueror lies,
      And yet the monument proclaims it not,
      Nor round the sleeper’s name hath chisel wrought
    The emblems of a fame that never dies,—
    Ivy and amaranth, in a graceful sheaf,
    Twined with the laurel’s fair, imperial leaf.
        A simple name alone,
        To the great world unknown,
    Is graven here,...

  • Within this lowly grave a Conqueror lies,
      And yet the monument proclaims it not,
    Nor round the sleeper’s name hath chisel wrought
      The emblems of a fame that never dies,
    Ivy and amaranth in a graceful sheaf,
    Twined with the laurel’s fair, imperial leaf.
          A simple name alone,
          To the great world unknown,
    Is graven here...

  • Poet who sleepest by this wandering wave!
      When thou wast born, what birth-gift hadst thou then?
    To thee what wealth was that the Immortals gave,
      The wealth thou gavest in thy turn to men?

    Not Milton’s keen, translunar music thine;
      Not Shakespeare’s cloudless, boundless human view;
    Not Shelley’s flush of rose on peaks divine;

  • On a lone barren isle, where the wild roaring billows
      Assail the stern rock, and the loud tempests rave,
    The hero lies still, while the dew-drooping willows,
      Like fond weeping mourners, lean over the grave.
    The lightnings may flash, and the loud thunders rattle:
      He heeds not, he hears not, he ’s free from all pain;—
    He sleeps his last sleep...