• Oh! where do fairies hide their heads,
      When snow lies on the hills,
    When frost has spoiled their mossy beds,
      And crystallized their rills?
    Beneath the moon they cannot trip
      In circles o’er the plain;
    And draughts of dew they cannot sip,
      Till green leaves come again.

    Perhaps, in small, blue diving-bells

  • From “The End of Elfintown”
    *        *        *        *        *FOR this holds true—too true, alas!
    The sky that eve was clear as glass,
    Yet no man saw the Faeries pass
        Where azure pathways glisten;
    And true it is—too true, ay me—
    That nevermore on lawn or lea
    Shall mortal man a Faery see,
        Though long he look and listen....

  • Up the airy mountain,
      Down the rushy glen,
    We daren’t go a hunting
      For fear of little men;
    Wee folk, good folk,
      Trooping all together;
    Green jacket, red cap,
      And white owl’s feather!

    Down along the rocky shore
      Some make their home,—
    They live on crispy pancakes
      Of yellow tide-foam;