• Not ours the vows of such as plight
      Their troth in sunny weather,
    While leaves are green and skies are bright,
      To walk on flowers together.

    But we have loved as those who tread
      The thorny path of sorrow,
    With clouds above, and cause to dread
      Yet deeper gloom to-morrow.

    That thorny path, those stormy skies,

  • Beautiful, sublime, and glorious;
      Mild, majestic, foaming, free,—
    Over time itself victorious,
      Image of eternity!

    Sun and moon and stars shine o’er thee,
      See thy surface ebb and flow,
    Yet attempt not to explore thee
      In thy soundless depths below.

    Whether morning’s splendors steep thee
      With the rainbow’s...

  • Before proud Rome’s imperial throne
      In mind’s unconquered mood,
    As if the triumph were his own,
      The dauntless captive stood.
    None, to have seen his free-born air,
    Had fancied him a captive there.

    Though, through the crowded streets of Rome,
      With slow and stately tread,
    Far from his own loved island home,
      That day...

  • [About 1307]
    for Scotland’s and for freedom’s right
      The Bruce his part had played,
    In five successive fields of fight
      Been conquered and dismayed;
    Once more against the English host
    His band he led, and once more lost
      The meed for which he fought;
    And now from battle, faint and worn,
    The homeless fugitive forlorn...