• O, it is great for our country to die, where ranks are contending!
      Bright is the wreath of our fame; glory awaits us for aye,—
    Glory, that never is dim, shining on with light never ending,—
      Glory that never shall fade, never, O never, away!

    O, it is sweet for our country to die! How softly reposes
      Warrior youth on his bier, wet by the tears of...

  • Deep in the wave is a coral grove,
    Where the purple mullet and gold-fish rove,
    Where the sea-flower spreads its leaves of blue,
    That never are wet with falling dew,
    But in bright and changeful beauty shine,
    Far down in the green and glassy brine.
    The floor is of sand like the mountain drift
    And the pearl-shells spangle the flinty snow;...

  • Hail to the land whereon we tread,
        Our fondest boast!
    The sepulchre of mighty dead,
    The truest hearts that ever bled,
    Who sleep on glory’s brightest bed,
        A fearless host:
    No slave is here;—our unchained feet
    Walk freely, as the waves that beat
        Our coast.

    Our fathers crossed the ocean’s wave

  • On thy fair bosom, silver lake,
      The wild swan spreads his snowy sail,
    And round his breast the ripples break,
      As down he bears before the gale.

    On thy fair bosom, waveless stream,
      The dipping paddle echoes far,
    And flashes in the moonlight gleam,
      And bright reflects the polar star.

    The waves along thy pebbly shore,...