• They are all gone into the world of light,
      And I alone sit lingering here!
    Their very memory is fair and bright,
        And my sad thoughts doth clear;

    It glows and glitters in my cloudy breast,
      Like stars upon some gloomy grove,—
    Or those faint beams in which this hill is drest
        After the sun’s remove.

    I see them walking...

  • I Walked the other day, to spend my hour,
          Into a field,
    Where I sometimes had seen the soil to yield
          A gallant flower:
    But winter now had ruffled all the bower
          And curious store
        I knew there heretofore.

    Yet I, whose search loved not to peep and peer
          In the face of things,
    Thought with myself,...

  • Dear, secret greenness! nurst below
        Tempests and winds and winter nights!
    Vex not, that but One sees thee grow;
        That One made all these lesser lights.

    What needs a conscience calm and bright
        Within itself, an outward test?
    Who breaks his glass, to take more light,
        Makes way for storms into his rest.

    Then bless...

  • My soul, there is a country
      Afar beyond the stars,
    Where stands a wingèd sentry,
      All skilful in the wars.

    There, above noise and danger,
      Sweet peace sits crowned with smiles,
    And One born in a manger
      Commands the beauteous files.

    He is thy gracious friend,
      And (O my soul awake!)
    Did in pure love...