I watch the leaves that flutter in the wind,
Bathing my eyes with coolness and my heart
Filling with springs of grateful sense anew,
Before my window—in wind and rain and sun.
And now the wind is gone and now the rain,
And all a motionless moment breathe;...

Vengeful across the cold November moors,
Loud with ancestral shame there came the bleak,
Sad wind that shrieked, and answered with a shriek,
Reverberant through lonely corridors.
The old man heard it; and he heard, perforce,
Words out of lips that were no...

Nothing but leaves; the spirit grieves
  Over a wasted life;
Sin committed while conscience slept,
Promises made, but never kept,
  Hatred, battle, and strife;
    Nothing but leaves!

Nothing but leaves; no garnered sheaves
  Of life’s...

Death leaves Us homesick, who behind,

Except that it is gone

Are ignorant of its Concern

As if it were not born.

Through all their former Places, we

Like Individuals go

Who something lost, the...


He parts Himself — like Leaves —

And then — He closes up —

Then stands upon the Bonnet

Of Any Buttercup —

And then He runs against

And oversets a Rose —

And then does Nothing —

Then away...


The fascinating chill that music leaves

Is Earth's corroboration

Of Ecstasy's impediment —

'Tis Rapture's germination

In timid and tumultuous soil

A fine — estranging creature —

To something upper wooing...


To my quick ear the Leaves — conferred —

The Bushes — they were Bells —

I could not find a Privacy

From Nature's sentinels —

In Cave if I presumed to hide

The Walls — begun to tell —

Creation seemed...
