The may sun sheds an amber light
  On new-leaved woods and lawns between;
But she who, with a smile more bright,
  Welcomed and watched the springing green,
        Is in her grave,
        Low in her grave.

The fair white blossoms of the wood...

The Night has a thousand eyes,
    The day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
    With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
    And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
    When its love is done.

Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom,
    Lead thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,—
    Lead thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene,—one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed...

  THOU art the joy of age:
Thy sun is dear when long the shadow falls.
Forth to its friendliness the old man crawls,
And, like the bird hung in his poor cage
To gather song from radiance, in his chair
Sits by the door; and sitteth there
His soul...

  I Have been here before,
    But when or how I cannot tell:
  I know the grass beyond the door,
    The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.

  You have been mine before,—
    How long ago I may not know: