Pity the sorrows of a poor old man!
  Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door,
Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span,
  O, give relief, and Heaven will bless your store.

These tattered clothes my poverty bespeak,
  These hoary locks...

Poet: Thomas Moss

The Beggar at the Door for Fame

Were easily supplied

But Bread is that Diviner thing

Disclosed to be denied



   WHILE cruel to your wishing slave,

You still refuse the boon I crave,

Confess, what joy that precious pearl

Conveys to thee, my lovely girl?


   Dost thou not act the miser'...


When a Lover is a Beggar

Abject is his Knee —

When a Lover is an Owner

Different is he —

What he begged is then the Beggar —

Oh disparity —

Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

Like an...


   DEAR little, pretty, fav'rite ore,

That once increas'd Gloriana's store;

That lay within her bosom bless'd,

Gods might have envied thee thy nest.

I've read, imperial Jove of old

For love...
